Modern Witchcraft Wheel Of The Year (hc) By Judy Ann Nock


Availability: 5 in stock

From the modern witchcraft series comes a complete guide to all of the sacred days and holidays of the wiccan calendarwith spells, rituals, and other tips to celebrateIn the modern witchcraft guide to the wheel of the year, youll learn about the most celebrated days in the wheel of the yearsamhain, the end of the harvest season; yule, the celebration of the new year; imbolc, the celebration of rebirth; ostara, the arrival of spring; beltane, the celebration of earths fertility; litha, the song of the summer; lughnasad, the halfway point between summer and autumn; and mabon, the festival of home and harvestFor each of these special days, there will be information about the history and its meaning, and the ways you can fully celebrateEach chapter describes the celestial events associated with the sabbat, astrological influences during that time, meditation rituals, and charms to performIt also includes a practical craft, such as candle making, that you can create to celebrate each dayThe modern witchcraft guide to the wheel of the year is your complete guide to everything you need to know to celebrate the wheel of the year and the wiccan sabbats, from yule to samhain, as part of your own spiritual practice

Modern Witchcraft Wheel Of The Year (hc) By Judy Ann Nock

Availability: 5 in stock